
enum rlogic::EPropertyType

EPropertyType lists the types of properties created and managed by the rlogic::LogicNode class and its derivates.


enumerator Float

corresponds to float

enumerator Vec2f

corresponds to [float, float]

enumerator Vec3f

corresponds to [float, float, float]

enumerator Vec4f

corresponds to [float, float, float, float]

enumerator Int32

corresponds to int32_t

enumerator Vec2i

corresponds to [int32_t, int32_t]

enumerator Vec3i

corresponds to [int32_t, int32_t, int32_t]

enumerator Vec4i

corresponds to [int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t]

enumerator Struct

Has no value itself, but can have named child properties.

enumerator String

corresponds to std::string

enumerator Bool

corresponds to bool

enumerator Array

Has no value itself, but can have unnamed child properties of homogeneous types (primitive or structs)