
class rlogic::RamsesAppearanceBinding : public rlogic::RamsesBinding

The RamsesAppearanceBinding is a type of rlogic::RamsesBinding which allows the rlogic::LogicEngine to control instances of ramses::Appearance. RamsesAppearanceBinding’s can be created with rlogic::LogicEngine::createRamsesAppearanceBinding.

The RamsesAppearanceBinding has a static link to a ramses::Appearance. After creation, rlogic::LogicNode::getInputs will return a struct property with children equivalent to the uniform inputs of the provided ramses Appearance.

Since the RamsesAppearanceBinding derives from rlogic::RamsesBinding, it also provides the rlogic::LogicNode::getInputs and rlogic::LogicNode::getOutputs method. For this particular implementation, the methods behave as follows:

  • rlogic::LogicNode::getInputs: returns the inputs corresponding to the available shader uniforms of the bound ramses::Appearance

  • rlogic::LogicNode::getOutputs: returns always nullptr, because a RamsesAppearanceBinding does not have outputs, it implicitly controls the ramses Appearance

  • The values of this binding’s inputs are initialized to default values (0, 0.0f, etc) and not loaded from the values in Ramses

All shader uniforms are supported, except the following:

  • texture samplers of any kind

  • matrix types (e.g. mat4, mat23 etc.)

  • any uniform with attached semantics (e.g. display resolution) - see ramses::EEffectUniformSemantic docs

Uniform types which are not supported are not available when queried over rlogic::LogicNode::getInputs.

Public Functions

ramses::Appearance &getRamsesAppearance() const

Returns the bound Ramses Appearance.


the bound ramses appearance

RamsesAppearanceBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesAppearanceBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of RamsesAppearanceBinding. User is not supposed to call this - RamsesAppearanceBinding are created by other factory classes


~RamsesAppearanceBinding() noexcept override

Destructor of RamsesAppearanceBinding.

RamsesAppearanceBinding(const RamsesAppearanceBinding &other) = delete

Copy Constructor of RamsesAppearanceBinding is deleted because RamsesAppearanceBinding are not supposed to be copied

  • other: RamsesNodeBindings to copy from

RamsesAppearanceBinding(RamsesAppearanceBinding &&other) = delete

Move Constructor of RamsesAppearanceBinding is deleted because RamsesAppearanceBinding are not supposed to be moved


RamsesAppearanceBinding &operator=(const RamsesAppearanceBinding &other) = delete

Assignment operator of RamsesAppearanceBinding is deleted because RamsesAppearanceBinding are not supposed to be copied


RamsesAppearanceBinding &operator=(RamsesAppearanceBinding &&other) = delete

Move assignment operator of RamsesAppearanceBinding is deleted because RamsesAppearanceBinding are not supposed to be moved


Public Members

std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesAppearanceBindingImpl> m_appearanceBinding

Implementation detail of RamsesAppearanceBinding