Handling runtime errorsΒΆ

 * This example shows how to deal with runtime errors in Lua scripts.
int main()
    rlogic::LogicEngine logicEngine;

     * This script contains a runtime error, i.e. from Lua point of view this is
     * valid syntax, but the type check of the Logic engine will fire a runtime
     * error for trying to assign a string to a VEC4F property
    rlogic::LuaScript* script = logicEngine.createLuaScriptFromSource(R"(
        function interface()
            OUT.vec4f = VEC4F

        function run()
            OUT.vec4f = "this is not a table with 4 floats and will trigger a runtime error!"
    )", "FaultyScript");

    // Script is successfully created, as it is syntactically correct
    assert(script != nullptr);

     * Update the logic engine including our script
     * Because there is a runtime error in the script, the execution will return "false"

    // To get further information about the issue, fetch errors from LogicEngine
    auto errors = logicEngine.getErrors();

    // Print out the error information
    for (const auto& error : errors)
         * The stack trace is coming from the Lua VM and has limited information on the error. See the
         * docs at https://ramses-logic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#additional-lua-syntax-specifics for more information
        std::cout << "Script '" << error.object->getName() << "' caused a runtime error:\n" << error.message << std::endl;


    return 0;