Example with primitive propertiesΒΆ

 * This example demonstrates how to use primitive property types (int, bool, string etc.)
int main()
    rlogic::LogicEngine logicEngine;

    // Create a simple script which multiplies two numbers and stores the result in a string
    rlogic::LuaScript* multiplyScript = logicEngine.createLuaScript(R"(
        function interface(IN,OUT)
            IN.param1 = Type:Int32()
            IN.param2 = Type:Float()

            OUT.result = Type:String()

        function run(IN,OUT)
            OUT.result = "Calculated result is: " .. IN.param1 * IN.param2

     * Query the inputs of the script. The inputs are
     * stored in a "Property" instance and can be used to
     * get the information about available inputs and outputs
    rlogic::Property* inputs = multiplyScript->getInputs();

    for (size_t i = 0u; i < inputs->getChildCount(); ++i)
        rlogic::Property* input = inputs->getChild(i);
        std::cout << "Input: " << input->getName() << " is of type: " << rlogic::GetLuaPrimitiveTypeName(input->getType()) << std::endl;

    // We can do the same with the outputs
    const rlogic::Property* outputs = multiplyScript->getOutputs();

    for (size_t i = 0u; i < outputs->getChildCount(); ++i)
        const rlogic::Property* output = outputs->getChild(i);
        std::cout << "Output: " << output->getName() << " is of type: " << rlogic::GetLuaPrimitiveTypeName(output->getType()) << std::endl;

    // Set some test values to the inputs before executing the script

    // Update the logic engine (executes the script we created above)

     * After execution, we can get the calculated outputs
     * The getters of the values are returned as std::optional
     * to ensure the combination of name and type matches an existing input.
    std::optional<std::string> result = outputs->getChild("result")->get<std::string>();
    if (result)
        std::cout << *result << std::endl;

    // To delete the script call the destroy method on the LogicEngine instance

    return 0;