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Object types and their relationships

The Logic Engine consists of a network of Lua scripts with a set of inputs and outputs with links between them. A special type of object we call binding serves as a bridge to a Ramses scene.

The following graph shows an example of such script network:


The scripts have inputs and outputs which together define the script’s interface (more info on scripts). Scripts can be linked together directionally, so that the output of a script can provide its data to the input of another script (more info on links). Scripts can’t interact with Ramses objects directly. Instead, they can link to Bindings which are designed to “bind” Ramses objects and modify their properties’ values (node visibility, transformation values, material properties etc.) (more info on bindings).

The greyed-out slots in the image above represent input properties which are neither linked nor have a statically configured value. In bindings, this denotes that the corresponding Ramses property is not being updated by the Logic Engine (see also next section). In scripts, these properties will receive a default value at runtime (0, 0.0f, “”, true etc.) unless explicitly set by the application logic. Bindings’ input values are initialized with the values of the bound Ramses object, for all bindings except rlogic::RamsesAppearanceBinding. Usually, script inputs without a configured value or a link to other output are considered the interface of the logic network towards a runtime application, and their values are supposed to be explicitly set at runtime.


One of the planned features of the Logic Engine is to formalize interface inputs in a special interface class in a future release.

Data flow

The cornerstone of the Logic Engine is the rlogic::LogicEngine::update() method which “executes” the network of logic nodes and updates the values of the Ramses scene bound to some of them. The nodes are executed based on a topological graph sort, where the traversal direction is given by the link pairs (A, B) where A is an output and B is an input property in the logic graph (as shown here).

The update logic of each node depends on its type. Lua scripts execute their run() function and modify some or all of their outputs based on the logic defined in run(). Ramses bindings pass the values of their input properties to the bound Ramses object.

Logic nodes are not executed on every rlogic::LogicEngine::update() iteration in order to save performance. However, it’s guaranteed that:

  • scripts which were just created will be executed on next update

  • scripts which inputs received a new value (either from calling rlogic::Property::set() or from a link) will be executed on next update

  • binding properties which received a value (regardless of their current value or from the value stored in Ramses) will overwrite the value in Ramses on next update. This works both for direct rlogic::Property::set() calls and for values received over links

Additionally, bindings’ properties are applied selectively - e.g. setting the scaling property of a rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding will result in a call to ramses::Node::setScaling(), but will not cause setting any other ramses::Node properties. This can be useful if you want to have your own logic e.g. to control the visibility of all Ramses nodes, and only use a Logic Engine to control transformation properties. In that case you should never set the visibility property of a Binding object, instead set the visibility directly on the bound ramses::Node.


We strongly discourage setting values to Ramses objects and to Ramses Logic bindings in the same update cycle for the same property to avoid unexpected behavior. At any given time, use one or the other, not both mechanisms to set values!

The Logic Engine can be also serialized and deserialized into binary files for fast loading. The above data flow rules still apply as if all the scripts and binding objects were just created. The first call to rlogic::LogicEngine::update() after loading from file will execute all scripts. Binding values will only be passed further to Ramses if their values were modified, e.g. by a link which produced a different value than before saving, or if the application called rlogic::Property::set() explicitly on any of the bindings’ input properties. For more details on saving and loading, see the section further down.

Script creation

The entry point to RAMSES logic is a factory-style class rlogic::LogicEngine which can create instances of all other types of objects supported by RAMSES Logic:

You can create multiple instances of rlogic::LogicEngine, but each copy owns the objects it created, and must be used to destroy them, as befits a factory class.

You can create scripts using the rlogic::LogicEngine class like this:

#include "ramses-logic/LogicEngine.h"

using namespace ramses::logic;

std::string source = R"(
    function interface()
        IN.gear = INT
        OUT.speed = FLOAT

    function run()
        OUT.speed = IN.gear * 15

LogicEngine engine;
LuaScript* script = engine.createLuaScriptFromSource(source, "simple script");

float speed = script->getOutputs()->getChild("speed")->get<float>();
std::cout << "OUT.speed == " << speed;

For details regarding the Lua syntax and its specifics, check the dedicated section on Lua.

rlogic::LogicNode (the base class of rlogic::LuaScript) provides an interface to access the inputs and outputs declared by the interface() function - see rlogic::LogicNode::getInputs() and rlogic::LogicNode::getOutputs().

You can link scripts to form a more sophisticated logic execution graph.

You can bind to Ramses objects to control a 3D Ramses scene.

Finally, the rlogic::LogicEngine class and all its content can be also saved/loaded from a file. Refer to the section on saving/loading from files for more details.

Object lifecycle

All objects besides the rlogic::LogicEngine instance follow a strict factory pattern. An object X is created by a method of the shape X* LogicEngine::createX(...). The pointer returned shall not be freed or deleted, instead objects must be destroyed by calling rlogic::LogicEngine::destroy().


This may seem strange for a library which is based on C++17, but there are good reasons for this design choice. Smart pointers don’t work well together with Windows DLL’s, specifically when combining different CRTs. In order to provide a stable API on Windows we chose to use raw pointers and hide object creation/deletion behind a pimpl/factory pattern.

The rlogic::LogicEngine doesn’t create or destroy objects on its own - all data is explicitly created by calling create and destroy methods. There are two special cases worth mentioning:


Loading data from files will invalidate all previous pointers to objects in the rlogic::LogicEngine. To avoid that, we recommend generally avoiding using a logicengine instance which already has content to load from files, and instead always create a fresh instance.

Linking scripts to Ramses scenes

Lua scripts would not make much sense on their own if they can’t interact with Ramses scene objects. The way to link script output properties to Ramses scene objects is by creating rlogic::RamsesBinding instances and linking their inputs to scripts’ outputs. There are different binding types depending on the type of Ramses object - refer to rlogic::RamsesBinding for the full list of derived classes. Bindings can be linked in the exact same way as scripts can. In fact, they derive from the same base class - rlogic::LogicNode. The only difference is that the bindings have only input properties (the outputs are implicitly defined and statically linked to the Ramses objects attached to them), whereas scripts have inputs and outputs explicitly defined in the script interface.

One might wonder, why not allow to directly link script outputs to Ramses objects? The reason for that is two-fold:

The section on data flow describes how data is passed throughout the network of logic nodes and when bound Ramses objects are updated and when not.


Binding input values are initialized with the same values as the Ramses objects they “bind”. The only exception to this are Appearance bindings - extracting all data from Ramses Appearances would incur performance costs not worth the convenience.


Animations are central to any dynamic real-time scene. It is possible to implement simple animations with Lua scripts or even write your own C++ wrapper which changes a value over time, linked to a Ramses object via rlogic::RamsesBinding. However, such solution would not scale well for more complex animations with preauthored splines of keyframes and timestamps. rlogic::AnimationNode and rlogic::DataArray are designed to provide a good compromise between performance and a data-centric design which imports animation data from external sources or formats.

The animation support in Ramses Logic is provided by the following two classes:


Before implementing a solution for your animation, make sure you understand the nature of animations. Is it a simple easing in/out to/from a value which might even change on the fly? Maybe a custom Lua script might do the job better. Is it a fixed animation or set of animations using splines imported from a content creation tool? Then rlogic::AnimationNode is probably better suited for it.

Data Arrays

rlogic::DataArray is a simple data container with immutable data. Various data types and interpolation types are supported (see the class documentation for details). Data arrays by themselves have no meaning, they must be bundled in animation channels (rlogic::AnimationChannel). The contents of an animation channel depends on its type. For example, a simple linear animation only needs two data arrays - one for time stamps and one for key frames. A complex cubic animation channel also needs tangent arrays. It is possible to reuse the same data array in multiple channels - e.g. if multiple channels use the same time stamps (often the case for multi-channel animations).

Animation Nodes

rlogic::AnimationNode holds the state of an animation and provides inputs to control it and outputs to check the output values or to link them to other scripts or directly to instances of rlogic::RamsesBinding. To query input and output properties, use the corresponding methods in the base class rlogic::LogicNode. Based on how many animation channels were provided when creating the rlogic::AnimationNode has an output property of corresponding data type (matching the keyframes data type) for each channel. The value of these outputs is updated after every rlogic::LogicEngine::update() call and can be directly queried or it can be linked to any other logic node, e.g. rlogic::RamsesBinding.

rlogic::AnimationNode has a set of control states, most important being play and timeDelta. Whenever play is true, the animation (all its channels) will advance in time by exactly timeDelta period everytime update is executed. Animation always starts at time zero of all of its channels’ timestamps, interpolates keyframes according to the interpolation type chosen for each channel and when the end is reached the value stays equal to last keyframe. Animation can be set to looping via loop or restarted via rewindOnStop inputs.

Time Delta

A typical application using Ramses logic has a main loop and in each iteration (among other things) user and system inputs are processed, logic network inputs are set and finally rlogic::LogicEngine::update() is called. Typically, logic nodes are stateless and only do something when an input value is changed/set. Animation nodes bring in a new implicit input - time. The Logic Engine allows (and therefore also requires) the application logic to update its time based on its own loop logic and requirements. This is done for each animation node separately over its timeDelta input property. This allows for two things:

  • simulating time

  • stopping time

  • doing the above for each animation node separately

In a typical setup, timeDelta is a relative value representing the time period between the updates, timeDelta = timeNow - timeLastUpdate. Note that even if timeDelta has the same value in two consecutive frames, it still needs to be set if the animation node’s logic is supposed to be updated. It is possible to set a value of 0 which will trigger an update of the animation node, but not progress the time (e.g. if you load a file with running animations and want to re-apply their current value without progressing the time).


There is intentionally no mention of time units when describing usage of timeDelta, that is because Ramses logic is time unit agnostic when it comes to animations. It is fully up to the application to define the time units passed to animations to match those in the animation timestamps. The type of timeDelta is float in order to match default glTF semantics (time is represented in seconds with float precision for sub-second fractions).

If you have a trivial time logic which applies a fixed time delta each frame, you can simply traverse all animations and apply a fixed value:

void doOneLoop()

    const auto timeNow = now();
    const auto timeDelta = timeNow - lastUpdateTime;
    lastUpdateTime = timeNow;

    for (const auto& animNode : logicEngine.animationNodes())
        // It may be a good idea to cache the timeDelta property for better performance
        auto* timeDelta = animNode->getInputs()->getChild("timeDelta");


This may seem like an overkill for simply progressing the time of all animations, but it allows for flexible time control and gives full power to the application code as to how and when to update animations at the cost of few lines of boilerplate code.

Error handling

Some of the RAMSES Logic classes’ methods can issue errors when used incorrectly or when a Lua script encounters a compile-time or run-time error. Those errors are globally collected by the rlogic::LogicEngine class and can be obtained by calling rlogic::LogicEngine::getErrors(). The error information stored in rlogic::ErrorData contains additional stack trace information for Lua runtime errors, and a pointer to the originating rlogic::LogicNode which caused the error for errors which occured during rlogic::LogicEngine::update() and can’t be directly attributed to a specific API call. Beware that any of the mutable methods of rlogic::LogicEngine clear the previously generated errors in the list, so that the list only ever contains the errors since the last method call!

For code samples which demonstrate how compile-time and runtime errors can be gracefully handled, have a look at the examples.

Iterating over object collections

Iterating over objects can be useful, for example when loading content from files or when applying search or filter algorithms over all objects from a specific type. The rlogic::LogicEngine class provides iterator-style access to all of its objects:

LogicEngine logicEngine;
Collection<LuaScript> allScripts = logicEngine.scripts();

for(const auto script : allScripts)
    std::cout << "Script name: " << script->getName() << std::endl;

The rlogic::Collection class and the iterators it returns are STL-compatible, meaning that you can use them with any other STL algorithms or libraries which adhere to STL principles. The iterators implement forward iterator semantics (have a look at C++ docs).


The rlogic::Iterator and rlogic::Collection classes are not following the pimpl pattern as the rest of the Ramses Logic to performance ends. Be careful not to depend on any internals of the classes (mostly the Internally wrapped STL containers) to avoid compatibility problems when updating the Ramses Logic version!

Saving/Loading from file

The rlogic::LogicEngine class and its content can be stored in a file and loaded from file again using the functions rlogic::LogicEngine::saveToFile() and rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromFile(). The latter has an optional argument to provide a Ramses scene which should be used to resolve references to Ramses objects in the Logic Engine file. Read further for more details.


Even though it would be technically possible to combine the storing and loading of Ramses scenes together with the Logic Engine and its scripts in a single file, we decided to not do this but instead keep the content in separate files and load/save it independently. This allows to have the same Ramses scene stored multiple times or with different settings, but using the same logic content, as well as the other way around - having different logic implementations based on the same Ramses scene. It also leaves more freedom to choose how to store the Ramses scene. This implies that at most a single Ramses scene can be referenced at the time of saving, having more than one scene will result in error.

Object lifecycle when saving and loading to files

After loading, the current state of the logic engine objects will be completely overwritten by the contents from the file. If you don’t want this behavior, use two different instances of the class - one dedicated for loading from files and nothing else.

Here is a simple example which demonstrates how saving/loading from file works in the simplest case (i.e. no references to Ramses objects):

// Creates an empty LogicEngine instance, saves it to file and destroys the object
    rlogic::LogicEngine engine;
// Loads the file we saved above into a freshly created LogicEngine instance
    rlogic::LogicEngine engine;

After the call to rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromFile() successfully returns (refer to the Error handling section for info on handling errors), the state of the rlogic::LogicEngine class will be overwritten with the contents loaded from the file. This implies that all objects created prior loading will be deleted and pointers to them will be pointing to invalid memory locations. We advise designing your object lifecycles around this and immediately dispose such pointers after loading from file.


In case of error during loading the rlogic::LogicEngine may be left in an inconsistent state. In the future we may implement graceful handling of deserialization errors, but for now we suggest discarding a rlogic::LogicEngine object which failed to load.

File compatibility

Since version 0.7.0, Ramses Logic binary files are backwards and forwards compatible. This means that a newer version of the runtime can be used to load an older binary file and vice-versa. For the exact compatibility info, see the version matrix. There are some limitations:

  • Loading a file older than v0.7.0 will result in an error with a runtime equal or newer than v0.7.0

  • Adding new features will still break the format and require re-export. We will explicitly list such breaking changes in the version matrix.

Saving and loading together with a Ramses scene

In a slightly less simple, but more realistic setup, the Logic Engine will contain objects of type Ramses<Object>Binding which contain references to Ramses objects. In that case, use the optional ramses::Scene* argument to rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromFile() to specify the scene from which the references to Ramses objects should be resolved. Ramses Logic uses the getSceneObjectId() method of the ramses::SceneObject class to track references to scene objects. This implies that those IDs must be the same after loading, otherwise rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromFile() will report error and fail. Ramses Logic makes no assumptions on the origin of the scene, its name or ID.

For a full-fledged example, have a look at the serialization example.


The LogicEngine expects that immediately after loading, the state of the Ramses scene is the same as it was right before saving, and will not modify Ramses objects which are attached to bindings in the LogicEngine in its first update, unless they are linked to scripts or explicitly overwritten by rlogic::Property::set() calls after loading from the file. We strongly advice to always save and load both the Ramses scene and the LogicEngine scene together to avoid data inconsistencies!

Using memory buffer instead of file

You can use rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromBuffer() to load the contents of the logic engine from your own memory. This can be useful if you have your own file management logic, or the data comes from a different source than a file on disk. Be mindful that passing data buffers over the boundaries of libraries can be unsafe with C++, and some errors/abuse can’t be reliably prevented. Make sure you check the size of the buffer and don’t load from memory of untrusted origins.


Internally there are four log levels available.

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Warn

  • Error

By default all internal logging messages are sent to std::cout. You can toggle this with rlogic::Logger::SetDefaultLogging(). In addition, it is possible to have a custom log handler function which is called each time a log message is issued.

#include <iostream>

Logger::SetLogHandler([](ElogMessageType msgType, std::string_view message){
        case ELogMessageType::ERROR:
            std::cout << "Error: " << message << std::endl;
            std::cout << message << std::endl;

Inside the log handler function, you get the type of the message and the message itself as a std::string_view. Keep in mind, that you can’t store the std::string_view. It will be invalid after the call to the log handler function. If you need the message for later usage, store it in a std::string.

The amount of logging can be configured with rlogic::Logger::SetLogVerbosity(). This affects both the default logging and the custom logger.

Security and memory safety

One of the biggest challenges of modern C++ is finding a balance between compatibility with older compilers and platforms, while not sacrificing memory safety and code readibility. In the RAMSES ecosystem we try to find a good balance by testing with different compilers, employing automation techniques and making use of modern compiler-based tools to perform static code analysis and introspection. The methods and tools we use are:

  • compiling on different compilers (MSVC, gcc, clang) with strict compiler settings

  • clang-tidy with fairly strict configuration

  • valgrind

  • treat warnings as errors

  • use various clang-based sanitizers (undefined behavior, thread sanitizer, address sanitizer)

Those tools cover a lot of the standard sources of problems with C++ revolving around memory. We also uphold a strict code review, ensuring that each line of code is looked at by at least two pairs of eyes, for critical parts of the code usually more than that. Still, no project is safe from bugs, thus we recommend following some or all of the additional conventions and best practices from below subchapters to minimize the risk of memory-related bugs and malicious attacks when using Ramses Logic.

Additional memory safety measures

One of the biggest sources of bugs and security problems in C++ arise from memory management, both in terms of allocation/deallocation and memory access and boundary checks. Ramses Logic takes care of memory lifecycle for all objects created by it, and provides raw pointer access to their memory. We suggest creating your own wrapper objects for anything created or loaded by the rlogic::LogicEngine class and ensure it is destroyed exactly once and only after not used any more.

Furthermore, pay special attention when passing strings as std::string_view to and from the Logic Engine as those may not be terminated by a 0 and may lead to out of bounds accesses when used by functions expecting 0-termination.

Additional security considerations

Lua is a script language, and as such provides great flexibility and expresiveness at the cost of more error potential and security risks compared to other techniques for describing logic. The Logic engine and the underlying sol library do a lot of error checking and prevents undefined behavior by executing faulty script code, but there are cases which can’t be checked.

To give one example, a script may overwrite the global variables IN or OUT from within script code because of the nature of Lua scripts. This can’t be automatically checked by the runtime without overloading the global Lua metatable and injecting every single assignment operation, which is too high a cost to avoid faulty scripts.

To avoid malicious or broken script, we suggest implementing an additional security mechanism on top of Ramses Logic which doesn’t allow execution of scripts of unknown origin. Also, build your code with errors in mind and force scripts into an automated testing process. We also advise to use hashsums and whitelisting techniques to only execute scripts which are tested and verified to be benign.

Sanitizing of files and buffers

Since the Logic Engine can deserialize itself from files and memory buffers, it opens possibilities for data corruption and truncation. To mitigate those risks, we use Flatbuffer’s “Verify” feature which checks the integrity of data, detects possible index-out-of-range issues and prevents binary data abuse. What it doesn’t check is whether the actual memory buffer size (passed in rlogic::LogicEngine::loadFromBuffer()) is consistent with the size provided by the user. The application must ensure that this size does not exceed the size of the actual memory!


The Logic Engine is designed to be fast and efficient, as long as the performance improvements are not made at cost of unreadable code. In order to be able to track and improve the runtime of the Logic Engine, we maintain a set of benchmarks based on the google-benchmark library. These benchmarks can be used to measure the time it takes for specific operations under different loads. We kindly ask our users and developers to report performance problems by creating a benchmark which describes the specific use-case which needs optimizing. Refer to the google-benchmark docs for hints how to design good benchmarks, to set the time measurement units, derive O-complexity, etc.