Save/load from file exampleΒΆ

 * This example demonstrates how to save the contents of the LogicEngine class
 * to a file and then load it again, including references to a Ramses scene.

void CreateAndSaveContent(const std::string& ramsesSceneFile, const std::string& ramsesLogicFile);

int main()
     * Define file names to use where content will be saved
    const std::string ramsesSceneFile = "scene.ramses";
    const std::string ramsesLogicFile = "scene.logic";

     * Create a simple triangle scene and a script which controls it. Save both to its own file.
    CreateAndSaveContent(ramsesSceneFile, ramsesLogicFile);

     * Load the Ramses scene from the file. It has to be loaded first, so that we can
     * resolve the Ramses objects when we load the logic content later.
    ramses::RamsesFramework ramsesFramework;
    ramses::RamsesClient& client = *ramsesFramework.createClient("example client");
    ramses::Scene* scene = client.loadSceneFromFile(ramsesSceneFile.c_str());

     * Load the logic content from its file, and provide a pointer to the ramses scene as argument.
     * After loadFromFile() returns, the bindings which point to Ramses objects will point
     * to objects from the scene provided as an argument.
    rlogic::LogicEngine logicEngine;
    logicEngine.loadFromFile(ramsesLogicFile, scene);

     * rlogic::LogicEngine provides iterable collections to its objects. We can use them to resolve objects after loading
    rlogic::Collection<rlogic::LuaScript> loadedScripts = logicEngine.scripts();
    rlogic::Collection<rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding> loadedNodeBindings = logicEngine.ramsesNodeBindings();

     * We can use any STL algorithm on the collections.
     * In this simple example, we use find_if() to search for a specific script by its name.
     * We get an iterator which can be dereferenced to rlogic::LuaScript*
    rlogic::Collection<rlogic::LuaScript>::iterator triangleRotationScript = std::find_if(loadedScripts.begin(), loadedScripts.end(),
        [](rlogic::LuaScript* script) {return script->getName() == "simple rotation script"; });

     * We can do the same to find a ramses node binding. We can use the binding to obtain a pointer to the ramses::Node further down.
     * This is an alternative to ramses::Scene::findObjectById()/findObjectByName() methods.
     * Note that this example uses fully qualified names and type traits for documentation sake. You can also just use 'auto'.
    rlogic::Collection<rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding>::const_iterator triangleNodeBinding = std::find_if(loadedNodeBindings.cbegin(), loadedNodeBindings.cend(),
        [](const rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding* binding) {return binding->getName() == "link to triangle node"; });

     * The LogicEngine iterators work just like any other STL forward iterator - can be compared, dereferenced, incremented etc.
    assert(triangleRotationScript != loadedScripts.end());
    assert(triangleNodeBinding != loadedNodeBindings.cend());

     * Changing properties on the freshly loaded LogicEngine and calling update() works as expected - executes all scripts,
     * passes data over the linked logic nodes, and updates the values in the ramses scene.

    std::array<float, 3> nodeRotation{};
    ramses::ERotationConvention unused;
    triangleNodeBinding->getRamsesNode().getRotation(nodeRotation[0], nodeRotation[1], nodeRotation[2], unused);

    std::cout << "\n\nRamses node rotation after loading from file and updating: {" << nodeRotation[0] << ", " << nodeRotation[1] << ", " << nodeRotation[2] << "}\n\n";

    return 0;

 * Helper method which creates a simple ramses scene, a simple script, and
 * saves the content in two separate files
void CreateAndSaveContent(const std::string &ramsesSceneFile, const std::string& ramsesLogicFile)
     * Boilerplate Ramses code which saves a red triangle scene in a file. For more ramses
     * examples and details, check the ramses docs at
    ramses::RamsesFramework ramsesFramework;
    ramses::RamsesClient& client = *ramsesFramework.createClient("example client");

    ramses::Scene* scene = client.createScene(ramses::sceneId_t(123u), ramses::SceneConfig(), "red triangle scene");

    ramses::PerspectiveCamera* camera = scene->createPerspectiveCamera();
    camera->setFrustum(19.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
    camera->setViewport(0, 0, 800, 800);
    camera->setTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
    ramses::RenderPass* renderPass = scene->createRenderPass();
    ramses::RenderGroup* renderGroup = scene->createRenderGroup();

    const std::array<float, 9u> vertexPositionsArray = { -1.f, 0.f, -1.f, 1.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f };
    ramses::ArrayResource* vertexPositions = scene->createArrayResource(ramses::EDataType::Vector3F, 3,;

    ramses::EffectDescription effectDesc;
        #version 100

        uniform highp mat4 mvpMatrix;

        attribute vec3 a_position;

        void main()
            gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vec4(a_position, 1.0);
        #version 100

        void main(void)
            gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    effectDesc.setUniformSemantic("mvpMatrix", ramses::EEffectUniformSemantic::ModelViewProjectionMatrix);

    const ramses::Effect* effect = scene->createEffect(effectDesc, ramses::ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache);
    ramses::Appearance* appearance = scene->createAppearance(*effect);

    ramses::GeometryBinding* geometry = scene->createGeometryBinding(*effect);
    ramses::AttributeInput positionsInput;
    effect->findAttributeInput("a_position", positionsInput);
    geometry->setInputBuffer(positionsInput, *vertexPositions);

    ramses::MeshNode* meshNode = scene->createMeshNode("triangle mesh node");


     * It doesn't matter if we save the Ramses scene first or the logic scene first, as long as the Node we
     * reference further down has its ID serialized in both files, so that it can be resolved again when loading.
    scene->saveToFile(ramsesSceneFile.c_str(), false);

     * Create a temporary LogicEngine instance for creating and saving a simple script which references a ramses Node
    rlogic::LogicEngine logicEngine;
    rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding* nodeBinding = logicEngine.createRamsesNodeBinding(*meshNode, rlogic::ERotationType::Euler_XYZ, "link to triangle node");

     * Create a simple script which sets the rotation values of a node based on simulated time
    rlogic::LuaScript* simpleScript = logicEngine.createLuaScriptFromSource(R"(
            function interface()
                IN.time_msec = INT
                OUT.rotationZ = VEC3F

            function run()
                -- Rotate around Z axis with 100 degrees per second
                OUT.rotationZ = {0, 0, IN.time_msec / 10}
        )", "simple rotation script");

     * Link the script output to the node binding input so that the value produced by the script is passed to the ramses node on update
     */*simpleScript->getOutputs()->getChild("rotationZ"), *nodeBinding->getInputs()->getChild("rotation"));

     * Save the script, the node binding and their link to a file so that they can be loaded later