
class rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding : public rlogic::RamsesBinding

The RamsesNodeBinding is a type of rlogic::RamsesBinding which allows manipulation of Ramses nodes. RamsesNodeBinding’s can be created with rlogic::LogicEngine::createRamsesNodeBinding.

The RamsesNodeBinding has a fixed set of inputs which correspond to properties of ramses::Node. They have a fixed type and name: ‘visibility’ (type bool) ‘rotation’ (type vec3f, or vec4f in case of quaternion) ‘translation’ (type vec3f) ‘scaling’ (type vec3f)

The default values of the input properties are taken from the bound ramses::Node provided during construction. This also applies for rotations, if the rlogic::ERotationType and ramses::ERotationConvention values of the ramses node match (both are Euler, and both correspond to the same axis ordering). Otherwise a warning is issued and the rotation values are set to 0.

The RamsesNodeBinding class has no output properties (thus getOutputs() will return nullptr) because the outputs are implicitly the properties of the bound Ramses node.


In case no values were set (because the user neither set a value explicitly nor linked the input of rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding to another LogicNode output) the Ramses values are not touched. It is possible to set values directly to ramses::Node which will not be overwritten by rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding if you never explicitly assigned a value to the rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding inputs. You can also mix-and-match this behavior - assign some properties and others not.

The LogicEngine does not restrict which Scene the bound nodes belong to - it is possible to have nodes from different scenes bound to the same LogicEngine, and vice-versa. The effects on the ramses::Node property values which are bound to a rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding are immediately visible after rlogic::LogicEngine::update() returns, however the user has to call ramses::Scene::flush() explicitly based on their scene update logic and frame lifecycle.

Public Functions

ramses::Node &getRamsesNode() const

Returns the bound ramses node.


the bound ramses node

ERotationType getRotationType() const

Returns the statically configured rotation type for the node rotation property.


the currently used rotation type

RamsesNodeBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesNodeBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of RamsesNodeBinding. User is not supposed to call this - RamsesNodeBindings are created by other factory classes


~RamsesNodeBinding() noexcept override

Destructor of RamsesNodeBinding.

RamsesNodeBinding(const RamsesNodeBinding &other) = delete

Copy Constructor of RamsesNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesNodeBindings are not supposed to be copied

  • other: RamsesNodeBindings to copy from

RamsesNodeBinding(RamsesNodeBinding &&other) = delete

Move Constructor of RamsesNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesNodeBindings are not supposed to be moved

  • other: RamsesNodeBindings to move from

RamsesNodeBinding &operator=(const RamsesNodeBinding &other) = delete

Assignment operator of RamsesNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesNodeBindings are not supposed to be copied

  • other: RamsesNodeBindings to assign from

RamsesNodeBinding &operator=(RamsesNodeBinding &&other) = delete

Move assignment operator of RamsesNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesNodeBindings are not supposed to be moved

  • other: RamsesNodeBindings to assign from

Public Members

internal::RamsesNodeBindingImpl &m_nodeBinding

Implementation detail of RamsesNodeBinding