
class rlogic::SaveFileConfig

Holds configuration settings for saving rlogic::LogicEngine instances into a file. This config file is designed to work with the Ramses Composer editor, but you can use the metadata to store version and export information from any exporter (or script). Use the config to trace the origin and export environment of assets during runtime.

Public Functions

void setMetadataString(std::string_view metadata)

Adds custom string metadata to the binary file saved by rlogic::LogicEngine. Can be any string. It is not used by anything other than logging info, particularly when loading a file and when errors occur.

  • metadata: the string to be written together with the saved binary data

void setExporterVersion(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t patch, uint32_t fileFormatVersion)

Specifies the semantic version of the exporter (binary, or script, or runtime logic). Use this to match a given asset later (e.g. when used in runtime) to the originating export tool to verify compatibility or diagnose errors and issues easier.

  • major: the major version number

  • minor: the minor version number

  • patch: the patch version number

  • fileFormatVersion: the file format used by the exporter itself (use 0 if not applicable)

void setValidationEnabled(bool validationEnabled)

By default, saving to file validates the content and issues warnings (see rlogic::LogicEngine::validate). This behavior can be disabled here. Calling this with validationEnabled=false will itself cause a INFO log, but will silence further warnings in the content.

  • validationEnabled: flag to disable/enable validation upon saving to file

~SaveFileConfig() noexcept

Destructor of SaveFileConfig

SaveFileConfig(const SaveFileConfig &other)

Copy Constructor of SaveFileConfig

  • other: the other SaveFileConfig to copy from

SaveFileConfig(SaveFileConfig &&other) noexcept

Move Constructor of SaveFileConfig

  • other: the other SaveFileConfig to move from

SaveFileConfig &operator=(const SaveFileConfig &other)

Assignment operator of SaveFileConfig



  • other: the other SaveFileConfig to copy from

SaveFileConfig &operator=(SaveFileConfig &&other) noexcept

Move assignment operator of SaveFileConfig



  • other: the other SaveFileConfig to move from

Public Members

std::unique_ptr<internal::SaveFileConfigImpl> m_impl

Implementation detail of SaveFileConfig