
struct rlogic::AnimationChannel

Animation channel data bundle. timeStamps, keyframes must always be provided, tangents tangentsIn, tangentsOut are mandatory only for rlogic::EInterpolationType::Cubic interpolation, ignored for other interpolation types. See GLTF 2.0 specification appendix C for details on tangents (

Public Functions

bool operator==(const AnimationChannel &rhs) const

Comparison operator.

bool operator!=(const AnimationChannel &rhs) const

Comparison operator.

Public Members

std::string name

Name of the channel for identification when linking.

const DataArray *timeStamps = nullptr

Timestamps, must be of type float and have strictly ascending order.

const DataArray *keyframes = nullptr

Keyframes to interpolate from, must be same size as timeStamps.

EInterpolationType interpolationType = EInterpolationType::Linear

Type of interpolation for this channel.

const DataArray *tangentsIn = nullptr

Tangents in (mandatory only for cubic interpolation), must be same type and size as keyframes.

const DataArray *tangentsOut = nullptr

Tangents out (mandatory only for cubic interpolation), must be same type and size as keyframes.