
class rlogic::SkinBinding : public rlogic::RamsesBinding

SkinBinding is a special kind of binding which holds all the data needed to calculate vertex skinning matrices which are then set on every update to the bound appearance using the provided uniform input. The data required for vertex skinning are:

  • joint nodes (also referred to as skeleton nodes) - these are transformation nodes which are typically animated as part of the skeleton structure.

  • inverse bind matrices - inverse transformation matrix for each joint node, these are static for the lifecycle of the SkinBinding.

  • rlogic::RamsesAppearanceBinding - binds to ramses::Appearance with an ramses::Effect specifying a vertex shader which is expected to apply the final stage of vertex skinning calculation using the joint matrices calculated in this SkinBinding.

  • ramses::UniformInput - specifies a vertex shader input (interface to the shader) where the joint matrices are expected. For more details on how this data is used please see the GLTF Skins tutorial the GLTF specification was used as reference for the SkinBinding implementation in expectation to support most skinning use cases.

Even though the SkinBinding is a rlogic::LogicNode it does not have any input nor output properties. The joint matrices (output data) are internally passed to the ramses::Appearance and are therefore not exposed as output properties. Also all the input data described above is statically referenced and not exposed as input properties.

Performance remark: Unlike other logic nodes SkinBinding does not use dirtiness mechanism monitoring the input data which then calculates the output data only if anything changed. SkinBinding depends on Ramses nodes which cannot be easily monitored and therefore it has to be updated every time rlogic::LogicEngine::update is called. For this reason it is highly recommended to keep the number of SkinBindings to a necessary minimum.

The changes via binding objects are applied to the bound objects right away when calling rlogic::LogicEngine::update(), however keep in mind that Ramses has a mechanism for bundling scene changes and applying them at once using ramses::Scene::flush, so the changes will be applied all the way only after calling this method on the ramses scene.

Public Functions

SkinBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::SkinBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of SkinBinding. User is not supposed to call this - SkinBindings are created by other factory classes


~SkinBinding() noexcept override

Destructor of SkinBinding.

SkinBinding(const SkinBinding&) = delete

Copy Constructor of SkinBinding is deleted because SkinBindings are not supposed to be copied.

SkinBinding(SkinBinding&&) = delete

Move Constructor of SkinBinding is deleted because SkinBindings are not supposed to be moved.

SkinBinding &operator=(const SkinBinding&) = delete

Assignment operator of SkinBinding is deleted because SkinBindings are not supposed to be copied.

SkinBinding &operator=(SkinBinding&&) = delete

Move assignment operator of SkinBinding is deleted because SkinBindings are not supposed to be moved.

const RamsesAppearanceBinding &getAppearanceBinding() const

Returns the appearance binding that this skin is bound to.


the appearance binding that this skin is bound to

const ramses::UniformInput &getAppearanceUniformInput() const

Returns the uniform input used to set joint matrices to the bound appearance.


the uniform input used to set joint matrices to the bound appearance

Public Members

internal::SkinBindingImpl &m_skinBinding

Implementation detail of SkinBinding.