
template<typename T, typename internal_container, bool isConst>
class rlogic::Iterator

An STL-style iterator for various object types (T) with forward-semantics. See also:

Template parameters:

  • T: the object type to iterate over, e.g. rlogic::LuaScript

  • internal_container: the internally wrapped container type. User code should NOT depend on this type to avoid API incompatibilities!

  • isConst: true for const-iterators, false for non-const iterators

Dereferencing the iterator yields a pointer of type T* or const T*, depending if the iterator is a const iterator. The class is STL-compatible, meaning that the public type declarations may safely be used.

Additional note: the Iterator class does not support swap() functionality as well as mutable assignments, because the internal data structures used to iterate over objects are not supposed to be changed by user code. The iterators are supposed to be used only in read-only scenarios. It is still possible to exercise write access on the pointers returned by the iterator, but it’s not possible to assign a new value to the pointer itself or to swap the pointers.

Public Types

using difference_type = typename internal_iterator::difference_type

Type traits as mandated by STL for custom iterators.

using value_type = typename internal_iterator::value_type

The iterator type after dereferencing

using pointer = typename internal_iterator::pointer

Iterator value pointer type

using reference = typename internal_iterator::reference

Iterator value reference type

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

Iterator type (refer to STL documentation for more information)

Public Functions

maybe_const_T operator*() noexcept

Operator dereferencing. Returns const T* if template argument isConst == true, otherwise returns T*.


T* or const T* pointer to iterable object, depending on iterator constness

maybe_const_T operator->() noexcept

Member forwarding operator. Translates to ‘(const T*)->method’ if template argument isConst == true, otherwise to ‘(T*)->method’.


T* or const T* pointer to iterable object, depending on iterator constness

Iterator &operator++() noexcept

Pre-increment operator.


reference to self

Iterator operator++(int) noexcept

Post-increment operator.


a copy of self before the increment was performed

template<bool otherIsConst>
bool operator==(const Iterator<T, internal_container, otherIsConst> &other) const noexcept

Equality operator.


true if the iterators point to the same object internally

  • other: the other iterator to compare to

template<bool otherIsConst>
bool operator!=(const Iterator<T, internal_container, otherIsConst> &other) const noexcept

Inequality operator.


true if the iterators point to different objects internally

  • other: the other iterator to compare to

Iterator() noexcept = default

Default constructor.

template<bool otherIsConst, typename = std::enable_if_t<isConst && !otherIsConst>>
Iterator(const Iterator<T, internal_container, otherIsConst> &other) noexcept

Constructor which allows const-iterator to be constructed from a non-const iterator, but not the other way around

  • other: iterator to construct from

template<bool otherIsConst, class = std::enable_if_t<isConst && !otherIsConst>>
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator<T, internal_container, otherIsConst> &other) noexcept

Assignment operator which allows const-iterator to be assigned from a non-const iterator, but not the other way around

  • other: iterator to be assign from

Iterator(const Iterator&) noexcept = default

Default copy constructor. This is redundant to the template version above, but is considered good style.

Iterator &operator=(const Iterator&) noexcept = default

Default assignment operator. This is redundant to the template version above, but is considered good style.

~Iterator() noexcept = default

Default destructor.

Iterator(internal_iterator iter) noexcept

Internal constructor which should not be called by user code to avoid API dependencies. Use rlogic::Collection::begin() and rlogic::Collection::end() or their const-counterparts to obtain iterators to desired rlogic::LogicEngine objects.

  • iter: internal iterator to be constructed from