
class rlogic::RamsesMeshNodeBinding : public rlogic::RamsesBinding

The RamsesMeshNodeBinding binds to a Ramses object instance of ramses::MeshNode and exposes a set of input properties allowing to control certain states the MeshNode.

RamsesMeshNodeBinding has these input properties: ‘vertexOffset’ (type int32)

  • binds to MeshNode’s vertex offset, i.e. start offset into vertex arrays of the mesh (ramses::MeshNode::setStartVertex). ‘indexOffset’ (type int32)

  • binds to MeshNode’s index offset, i.e. start offset into indices of the mesh (ramses::MeshNode::setStartIndex). ‘indexCount’ (type int32)

  • binds to MeshNode’s index count, i.e. number of indices to use for rendering of the mesh (ramses::MeshNode::setIndexCount). ‘instanceCount’ (type int32)

  • binds to MeshNode’s instance count, i.e. number of instances to render when using geometry instancing (ramses::MeshNode::setInstanceCount).

The initial values of the input properties are taken from the bound ramses::MeshNode when the RamsesMeshNodeBinding is created.

The RamsesMeshNodeBinding class has no output properties (thus rlogic::LogicNode::getOutputs() will return nullptr) because the outputs are implicitly forwarded to the bound ramses::MeshNode.

The changes via binding objects are applied to the bound object right away when calling rlogic::LogicEngine::update(), however keep in mind that Ramses has a mechanism for bundling scene changes and applying them at once using ramses::Scene::flush, so the changes will be applied all the way only after calling this method on the scene.

Public Functions

RamsesMeshNodeBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesMeshNodeBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of RamsesMeshNodeBinding. User is not supposed to call this - RamsesMeshNodeBindings are created by other factory classes


~RamsesMeshNodeBinding() noexcept override

Destructor of RamsesMeshNodeBinding.

RamsesMeshNodeBinding(const RamsesMeshNodeBinding&) = delete

Copy Constructor of RamsesMeshNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesMeshNodeBindings are not supposed to be copied.

RamsesMeshNodeBinding(RamsesMeshNodeBinding&&) = delete

Move Constructor of RamsesMeshNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesMeshNodeBindings are not supposed to be moved.

RamsesMeshNodeBinding &operator=(const RamsesMeshNodeBinding&) = delete

Assignment operator of RamsesMeshNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesMeshNodeBindings are not supposed to be copied.

RamsesMeshNodeBinding &operator=(RamsesMeshNodeBinding&&) = delete

Move assignment operator of RamsesMeshNodeBinding is deleted because RamsesMeshNodeBindings are not supposed to be moved.

const ramses::MeshNode &getRamsesMeshNode() const

Returns the bound Ramses MeshNode.


the bound Ramses MeshNode

ramses::MeshNode &getRamsesMeshNode()

Returns the bound Ramses MeshNode.


the bound Ramses MeshNode

Public Members

internal::RamsesMeshNodeBindingImpl &m_meshNodeBinding

Implementation detail of RamsesMeshNodeBinding.