
class rlogic::RamsesBinding : public rlogic::LogicNode

The RamsesBinding is a shared base class for bindings to Ramses objects. For details on each type of binding, look at the derived classes.

Subclassed by rlogic::RamsesAppearanceBinding, rlogic::RamsesCameraBinding, rlogic::RamsesMeshNodeBinding, rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding, rlogic::RamsesRenderGroupBinding, rlogic::RamsesRenderPassBinding, rlogic::SkinBinding

Public Functions

RamsesBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of RamsesBinding. User is not supposed to call this - RamsesBinding are created by other factory classes


~RamsesBinding() noexcept override = default

Destructor of RamsesBinding.

RamsesBinding(const RamsesBinding &other) = delete

Copy Constructor of RamsesBinding is deleted because RamsesBindings are not supposed to be copied

  • other: RamsesBindings to copy from

RamsesBinding(RamsesBinding &&other) = delete

Move Constructor of RamsesBinding is deleted because RamsesBindings are not supposed to be moved

  • other: RamsesBindings to move from

RamsesBinding &operator=(const RamsesBinding &other) = delete

Assignment operator of RamsesBinding is deleted because RamsesBindings are not supposed to be copied

  • other: RamsesBindings to assign from

RamsesBinding &operator=(RamsesBinding &&other) = delete

Move assignment operator of RamsesBinding is deleted because RamsesBindings are not supposed to be moved

  • other: RamsesBindings to assign from