
enum rlogic::ERotationType

ERotationType lists the types of rotation conventions used to tell rlogic::RamsesNodeBinding how to compute rotation matrices. It is similar to ramses::ERotationConvention except that it also allows quaternions. The rotation types are to be interpreted like this:

  • All rotations are right-handed, Ramses supports only right-handed rotation math which the Logic Engine only wraps

  • All values are expected as degrees, not radians (except Quaternions)

  • Euler_ABC enum value corresponds to ramses::ERotationConvention::CBA

    • note the inverted order of the axes! This is because Ramses has a different notation of the enum

  • Euler_ABC will rotate around axis A, B, then C in this exact order

  • Quaternion will apply standard quaternion math. Quaternions are expected to be normalized


enumerator Euler_ZYX

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::XYZ.

enumerator Euler_YZX

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::XZY.

enumerator Euler_ZXY

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::YXZ.

enumerator Euler_XZY

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::YZX.

enumerator Euler_YXZ

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::ZXY.

enumerator Euler_XYZ

Passes its vec3f values to Ramses nodes as ramses::ERotationConvention::ZYX.

enumerator Quaternion

Converts its vec4f (Quaternion) to a Euler rotation with X-Y-Z ordering and passes to ramses as ramses::ERotationConvention::ZYX.