
class rlogic::RamsesRenderGroupBinding : public rlogic::RamsesBinding

The RamsesRenderGroupBinding binds to a Ramses object instance of ramses::RenderGroup. RamsesRenderGroupBinding allows controlling the rendering order of selected elements contained in the ramses::RenderGroup - these can be ramses::MeshNode and other (nested) ramses::RenderGroup objects.

RamsesRenderGroupBinding is initialized with a ramses::RenderGroup and a set of elements to expose for render order control through the binding’s input properties. Not all the elements contained in the ramses::RenderGroup have to be provided, the binding can be used to control only a subset of the elements in the render group. The set of provided elements is then static for the lifetime of the RamsesRenderGroupBinding.

It is not possible to add or remove elements from the bound ramses::RenderGroup using this binding and this binding will not reflect changes made to the ramses::RenderGroup via its Ramses API. Therefore it is important to keep the binding valid with respect to the ramses::RenderGroup it is bound to, for example:

  • An element is added to the bound ramses::RenderGroup via Ramses API - the binding with its elements is valid and can be used but the newly added element will not be known to it (cannot control its render order).

  • An element is removed from the bound ramses::RenderGroup via Ramses API - if the removed element was part of the provided initial set at construction of the binding, the binding is invalidated and should not be used because any attempt to change render order of the removed element will result in update fail. If RamsesRenderGroupBinding gets invalidated it needs to be destroyed and recreated with a valid set of elements contained in the render group. In this case property links (if any) get destroyed with the binding and need to be re-created.

When RamsesRenderGroupBinding is created using rlogic::LogicEngine::createRamsesRenderGroupBinding it will create property inputs based on the provided set of elements (see rlogic::RamsesRenderGroupBindingElements): ‘renderOrders’ (type struct) - contains all the elements provided as children: [element1Name] (type int32) - binds to render order of that element within the bound ramses::RenderGroup … [elementNName] (type int32) The property name for each element can be specified when adding the element using rlogic::RamsesRenderGroupBindingElements::addElement. Note that the order of the render order input properties exactly matches the order of adding elements via rlogic::RamsesRenderGroupBindingElements::addElement.

The render order is directly forwarded to Ramses and follows Ramses behavior of ordering, i.e. element with lower render order value gets rendered before element with higher value. If two elements have same number (default) their render order is not defined and the Ramses renderer decides their order based on its optimization criteria, it is therefore recommended to explicitly specify render order only if needed.

The initial render order values of the input properties are taken from the bound ramses::RenderGroup’s elements provided during construction.

The RamsesRenderGroupBinding class has no output properties (thus rlogic::LogicNode::getOutputs() will return nullptr) because the outputs are implicitly forwarded to the bound ramses::RenderGroup.

The changes via binding objects are applied to the bound object right away when calling rlogic::LogicEngine::update(), however keep in mind that Ramses has a mechanism for bundling scene changes and applying them at once using ramses::Scene::flush, so the changes will be applied all the way only after calling this method on the scene.

Public Functions

RamsesRenderGroupBinding(std::unique_ptr<internal::RamsesRenderGroupBindingImpl> impl) noexcept

Constructor of RamsesRenderGroupBinding. User is not supposed to call this - RamsesRenderGroupBindings are created by other factory classes


~RamsesRenderGroupBinding() noexcept override

Destructor of RamsesRenderGroupBinding.

RamsesRenderGroupBinding(const RamsesRenderGroupBinding&) = delete

Copy Constructor of RamsesRenderGroupBinding is deleted because RamsesRenderGroupBindings are not supposed to be copied.

RamsesRenderGroupBinding(RamsesRenderGroupBinding&&) = delete

Move Constructor of RamsesRenderGroupBinding is deleted because RamsesRenderGroupBindings are not supposed to be moved.

RamsesRenderGroupBinding &operator=(const RamsesRenderGroupBinding&) = delete

Assignment operator of RamsesRenderGroupBinding is deleted because RamsesRenderGroupBindings are not supposed to be copied.

RamsesRenderGroupBinding &operator=(RamsesRenderGroupBinding&&) = delete

Move assignment operator of RamsesRenderGroupBinding is deleted because RamsesRenderGroupBindings are not supposed to be moved.

const ramses::RenderGroup &getRamsesRenderGroup() const

Returns the bound ramses render group.


the bound ramses render group

ramses::RenderGroup &getRamsesRenderGroup()

Returns the bound ramses render group.


the bound ramses render group

Public Members

internal::RamsesRenderGroupBindingImpl &m_renderGroupBinding

Implementation detail of RamsesRenderGroupBinding.